Why Not Wear Cotton Clothing on Cerro Chirripó and Other Mountains? If you’re planning a hike on Cerro Chirripó, it’s…
Why Not Wear Cotton Clothing on Cerro Chirripó and Other Mountains? If you’re planning a hike on Cerro Chirripó, it’s…
Use of Whistles on Cerro Chirripó Recently, Chirripó National Park has implemented a new law requiring all tourists to carry…
Backpacks for Climbing Chirripó Walking is one of the most popular and healthy activities we can do. However, to do…
Public Use Regulations of Chirripó National Park First, we want to inform you that the Chirripó National Park (PNCH) has…
Weather on Chirripó Do you want to know more about the weather conditions on Chirripó? We have all the details…
¿Cuáles son las tres rutas de acceso para subir el Chirripó? Debo mencionar, que cada una de las rutas tiene…